A large all-through school like ours is a busy place. This brings both opportunities and challenges, particularly when it comes to communicating with people and staying organised. Inevitably this will involve the use of a variety of systems and platforms. We are committed to streamlining these, but there is never one perfect tool for every job. Below you will find an outline of packages that we use.

Arbor is our Management Information System. Parents can use it to update contact and medical information, and check student attendance. This year we are consolidating several systems and moving reports, behaviour, attainment data and homework to Arbor.
One of the first things that you should do when logging into Arbor for the first time is check that the details that we hold for you and your child are correct. These can be updated by you directly, removing the need for you to email us separately.
The system is intuitive, but there are several help guides to assist you in getting started with Arbor:
- Arbor guide: Getting started
- Arbor guide: A quick introduction for parents
- Arbor guide: Seeing and updating my child’s information
This is the platform we use to timetable music lessons, track attendance and progress, set lesson notes, safeguard coming out of lessons and have all information together. There is the web based portal and the app. Students and parents can use Involve to check music lesson times.
See also: Simon Balle Music – Music Lesson Timetabling
Online Payments
See also: Online Payments
Google for Education
All students have an email account in the format year of entry, surname, initial @simonballe.herts.sch.uk. This is used to log into their chromebook and the school website from another device. From here they can access the full set of google tools for education. Students are likely to be enrolled in multiple google classrooms: these are used in a variety of ways, from simply communicating information to submitting and marking work.
Other online platforms
There are a wide variety of online resources available to students and teachers. These include online textbooks that a department will pay for, access to revision material and online quizzing sites. Each of these will come with its own login and password.