Extra-curricular opportunities by Year Group, including trips, visitors and workshops

Enrichment programmes are vital to ignite passion for learning in students, as well as to assist them to develop wider skills, flexibility and resourcefulness. We know that enrichment gives children opportunities to try new and varied activities that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage them to pursue wider goals.

Our SBAS framework is designed for all students to flourish and to live out our vision of preparing them to be good active citizens within their communities. We believe that education and character development are key drivers in a student’s overall growth so we aim to offer an inspiring enrichment programme as an intrinsic part of the school experience.

The programme provides opportunities for students to further their interests from the classroom or to try something totally new. Enrichment activities help students develop a love for learning in their own time, expand their mind and gain skills that will help them in the future. Learning outside the classroom also gives students the opportunity to experiment which helps to build confidence as they learn new skills and immerse themselves in new experiences.

Traditionally we have offered a wide variety of enrichment activities from Reception right through to Year 13. After school activities vary from many aspects of music to almost every possible sport, and a great diversity beyond this (for example, crochet or art, drama or Spanish, STEM or running, humanities and calligraphy). 

All our departments will offer some type of enrichment activity throughout the academic year: visiting an art gallery, the local church, seeing a play in the west end, and visiting museums.  All our clubs, societies, teams and ensembles are all inclusive.

Some enrichment activities are residential: our Year 5 students visit WildChild Adventure (https://www.wildchildadventure.com/); Year 6 engage in Geography fieldwork (Sheringham, Norfolk); Year 7 students experience PGL at Bawdsey Manor (https://www.pgl.co.uk/en-gb/school-trips/primary-schools/centres/bawdsey-manor); Year 9 historians visit the Battlefields and our languages students, musicians and sportsmen and women have further tours and experiences through the year.  You can read more about past trips on our Trips and Visits page.

We encourage all our students to take part in at least one activity, to enrich their experience and enjoyment of learning as well as develop new skills, interests and friendships.

If your child is interested in any of the below, please contact:

Y1/2 clubs- A Google form is shared in Autumn for the year, or please contact larch@simonballe.herts.sch.uk

Explorers Y3-6: A Google form for the following half term is shared a few weeks beforehand, or please contact explorers@simonballe.herts.sch.uk

Music: please email Mr Taylor & Miss Morgan at music@simonballe.herts.sch.uk

Secondary Sports: please email Miss Newman or sport@simonballe.herts.sch.uk

Lunch Clubs: your child should speak to the adult running the club to confirm the location.

Please also contact Mr Prendergast if you have any questions at all about enrichment: prendergastc@simonballe.herts.sch.uk

We work in close partnership with Busy Lizzies who offer, on our school site, a daily breakfast club (7.45am - 8.45am) for Early Years, key stages one and two and a daily after school club (3.15pm to either 4.45pm or 6pm) for Early years and key stage one. As well as providing enjoyable activities, and opportunities for children to play and socialise beyond the school day, we recognise the essential childcare nature of this provision. In addition, they run their own Nursery for children in the final year before they begin Reception. Please find out more on their website and facebook page: www.busylizziesatsimonballe.co.uk and www.facebook.com/busylizziesatsimonballe