The Governing Body of Simon Balle All-through School is highly active and promotes the school’s vision and values. The deep belief that it is our joint purpose to  “Create tomorrow’s citizens today” and ensure a more just and hopeful community, led to Governors taking the decision, when approached by HCC in 2014, to expand and become an all through school. Governors understand the challenges and opportunities of being one of the few all through schools nationally, and are totally committed to ensuring the very best education (both academically and in terms of character development) for all of its students, regardless of age or background. 

The Governing Body ensures that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clear and everyone understands what this means. It provides a well-informed and sustained challenge to the Co-headteachers and Senior Leadership Team to ensure that they are held to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.  Governors have the responsibility for formulating, monitoring and reviewing the policies, plans and procedures for the school.  It is the Headteacher and the senior team,  who are responsible for the implementation of policy, day-to-day management and organisation of the school and the delivery of the curriculum. In addition, they along with support from the Governing Body continuously strive for the highest outcomes and progress for every child and young person.  Governors also have a very important role in providing oversight of the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent and the best value for money is achieved.

The Governors’ roles are mainly implemented through a committee structure but our Governors are also linked with departments or functions within the school. Through regular, planned school visits we ensure that we are able to question activities and play an active role in school life. Governors attend regular training sessions and we also organise the annual conference. 

The Governing Body is all through, and many Governors are parents of children currently at the school or who have attended the school. They all live locally and between them cover a range of skills, experiences and occupations, bringing a deep richness to discussion and outcomes. We welcome interest from parents and the wider community, either to potentially join this strategic group or work in an advisory role. 

Paul Connolly (Chair of Governors)

Governor Information

Chair of Governors: Paul Connolly, Simon Balle All-through School, Mangrove Road, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8AJ

Contact E-mail:

Profiles and declaration of business interests of our Governors can be found on the

Governor Profiles, Terms of Office and Declaration of Business Interest page.

Business and Pecuniary Interests

Simon Balle Business Interests 2022-23

Governors Meeting Attendance