Easter Events in the Library

National Reading Champions Quiz

On Friday 22nd March, the following 8 students are representing the school in the National Reading Champions Quiz. Well done team!

  • Jemima – year 9  
  • Charlie – year 9  
  • Vanessa – year 8 
  • Christos – year 8  
  • Isshi – year 7  
  • Yahya  – year 7  
  • Megan – year 6 
  • Zoe – year 6


Get Caught Reading

Well done to everyone who has been caught reading in the library so far!

Get Rewarded for Reading

The end of term results will be announced during the last week of term and the awards will be presented in the celebration assemblies.

Speakers’ Corner

Well done to Thomas and Kieran for their informative and engaging Speakers’ Corner talks this half term. Kieran spoke about the 777 and its production and Thomas spoke about his trip to Malaysia. Speakers’ Corner takes place in the secondary library at lunchtime on Thursdays. If you are in the secondary school and would like to do a Speakers’ Corner next term, please speak to Miss Iles.

Music Monday

Well done to Ethan, Ziva, Amber and Ryan for playing the piano and to Noah for playing the guitar in the library this half term for Music Monday. If you would like to play the piano or guitar in the library next term for Music Monday, please speak to Mr Lovell, Mrs N Iles or Miss R Iles.

World Book Day

World Book Day (Thursday 7th March) was celebrated throughout the week.

*The Larch Book Swap on Friday 8th March was full of excitement as students in all year groups had the opportunity to choose a book to take home to read. Thank you to everyone who donated books. 

*In the secondary library on Thursday 7th March we had a book themed Bingo. Well done to the winner, Maxwell!

*Throughout the week students across all year groups attempted the Guess Who quiz which was quite a challenge! Members of staff had submitted their favourite children’s book along with a childhood photo of theirs and students had to guess which member of staff went with each book and photo! Thank you to all the members of staff who sent in their childhood photographs.