Friday 17th January

Co-headteachers’ welcome
Wishing a very Happy New Year to all of our families at Simon Balle. For those who we have not yet had a chance to see in person over this first fortnight of 2025, we wish students and families a fulfilling and successful term and year ahead.
We have spent as much time as possible in classrooms across our all-through in this important and productive first two weeks of term. And so, it is apt to be writing to you all about the joy of learning. For many, January is a time of making resolutions, so for us at Simon Balle it is the perfect time to be supporting our wonderful young people to be prepared to embrace new challenges, intellectually and holistically. As you all know, we make no apologies at all for being a school that will always have high academic expectations of every student – for this is how we reach goals we thought may not be possible, and how we move with confidence into uncharted waters. Through our newsletters and social media, we always work hard to celebrate exciting enrichment opportunities – trips and clubs and sport and music and student leadership and more… However, it is worth remembering that sometimes – in fact often – magic happens in ordinary classrooms where extraordinary staff support extraordinary students to learn. The joy of learning might not always give us a ‘wow’ photograph, and yet we know that education has the power to transform lives. The moment where a child suddenly realises that they understand; a time where they relate this new learning to that which has gone before; the connection between teacher and student where they both show a deep appreciation for the subject studied; the dialogue between students as they grapple with fascinating concepts… All of this we have had the privilege of witnessing already in 2025, from age 4 to 18 and within all parts of the broad and ambitious curriculum we are proud to lead.
Whilst we cannot possibly give examples from everywhere, a ‘window’ into what takes place daily at Simon Balle may be helpful. At just one point this week, Mr Moss and I delved into Year 9 students categorising the reasons for Germany’s loss in WW1, followed by Year 11 business students understanding the advantages and disadvantages of batch production. A number of our Year 13 students are busy preparing for Oxbridge interviews, to whom we wish the very best of luck, and, not far away, Reception are learning all about ‘People who help us’ – they are looking forward to a parent doctor and firefighter coming to visit them (thank you!) and their writing is showing such promise as they work to apply their phonic sounds to words and now across a whole sentence. We experienced engagement in wonderful literature as we moved around the all-through site, including Year 6 who are simultaneously developing their understanding of history together with reading comprehension and application of skills to writing through their study of Now or Never by Bali Rai. Years 10 and 13 are showing such a commitment to their exams, with great collaboration in motivated pairs as they prepare for speaking and listening; and walks through the maths and science corridors demonstrated such persistence of KS3 and 4 students with retrieval of key vocabulary and its application to questions to start every lesson based on securing knowledge and then moving forward. As we start this new calendar year, it is important to once again emphasise the significance of partnership between home and school, for we know that nurturing this partnership is how our young people can, and do, thrive. From a teaching and learning perspective, please do use the curriculum page on our website – it is always kept up to date so that we all have a shared sense of purpose, and granular information of what is taught and how this is progressive so that students build their knowledge on prior content. Assessment information has and is being shared with almost all year groups now, from Larch end of term data to Year 11 and Year 13 mocks. We value the insight gleaned from these ‘check-in’ points, and we hope that parents/carers with children in Years 7 – 9 will particularly benefit from a clearer and transparent KS3 assessment system launched this year. If you have not already had the chance to do so, please visit the assessment page on our website where a video should help with any questions you have in interpreting your child’s current data. Assessment is used as a launch point into ‘what next’ so we look forward to connecting with you all and together sharing the very highest of aspirations of all that our students can achieve and will become in 2025 and beyond!

Phase 1 – People Who Help Us
In Reception this half term, we have begun our new Topic focused on ‘People Who Help Us’. Starting off with inspiration from the book ‘Real Life Superheroes’ by Julia Seal, the children have enjoyed learning more about different jobs and roles within the community and how they help us, from doctors to vets, from cleaners to postal workers, from hairdressers to dentists! We are privileged to be welcoming a number of volunteers to come in and speak to the children about their roles over the next few weeks. Thank you so much to Melvin who visited earlier this week to share all about his role as a firefighter! The children absolutely loved learning all about the work of a firefighter and even got to see real equipment and uniform – which Miss Ponder even tried on!
If you are interested in volunteering, and could give around 30 minutes to an hour of your time to meet and share with the children about your work, please get in touch with Mrs Philip, Phase 1 Leader

If you would like to speak to a member of the SEND team, you can book a virtual appointment of up to 15 minutes, please use the following Booking link
Families Feeling Safe has funding from HCC to run workshops which are free to attend and open to all parents in Hertfordshire. The first workshop ‘All Feelings Matter’ can help parents and carers learn more about:
- Why all feelings matter for everyone.
- How feelings, thoughts, and behaviour link together.
- Recognising physical and emotional feelings, including anxiety and anger.
- Ways to support healthy emotional development.
- The stress response system and ‘3-Part Brain’ concept.
- The importance of feelings and the Protective Behaviours process.
Details of how to join the session are on the attached link All feelings matter workshop.pdf

PE and Sport at Simon Balle
Please find the updated extracurricular timetable for this term on the Sport Simon Balle website:
The opportunity for Excellence Scheme
The Opportunity for Excellence Scheme is now open to any of your students who compete at a minimum county standard in a sport, they would be eligible to apply for this scheme to receive a free gym membership at either John Warner or Laura Trott Leisure Centre for the year.
See link to apply: Apply for the Opportunities for Excellence scheme | Location – Borough of Broxbourne Council
If you would like any further information please email Miss E Newman
Badminton festival
We hope you enjoyed the schools badminton festival at Chauncy Secondary School – It would be amazing if you feel inspired to take up badminton and we have a selection of sessions across Hertfordshire all offering the first 4 weeks for just £10. You can register here:-

Click here for our latest Careers opportunity blog, including:
- The Hertfordshire Virtual Careers Fair for parents and carers
- Generation Welwyn Hatfield 2025
- Unifrog – Virtual Apprenticeship Fair
- EDF Apprenticeships – NOW OPEN
- Opportunities from employers and universities
- Links for Y13 students looking to apply for Apprenticeships at GSK, Amazon, Mercedes and many more

Sociology Conference
Last Thursday our Y12 Sociologists attended the annual A Level Sociology Conference at UCL. It was exciting for the students to hear about contemporary sociological research and to engage with Q&A sessions with the research leads. This introduction to research methods has set them up nicely for the next unit they will be studying.

BEAM Theatre
My name is Amy and I am the Participation Coordinator at Herts Inclusive Theatre.
I am writing to let you know that HIT are bringing Power Up East to BEAM in Hertford at the end of January and we would love to welcome you!
Power Up delivers free drama workshops for young adults, weekly from Jan-March, culminating in a celebratory event at the end. Using theatre, games and creativity, the workshops will explore empowerment, independence, advocacy, representation and communication.
Working with experienced inclusive drama practitioners, the workshops will offer opportunity to build confidence, make friends and most importantly, have fun.
- Fee: Free!
- Ages: 16+
- Time: 2-3:30pm
- Date: Wednesdays, 29th Jan 2025-26th March 2025 (Dates Inclusive)
- Locations: Social One, BEAM, Hertford
For more information and to book, please visit our Pebble bookings here. If you need support in booking your place, contact me at the office on 01727 22 1414 or by email at

Building works and car park
The work on the sports hall has resumed following the Christmas break, and everything continues to be on schedule. The cladding should be appearing over the next month, but most of the activity is now taking place inside.
Students may have noticed that some damage was done to the entrance barrier by one of the delivery lorries. Whilst we are waiting for the repairs to be carried out, we ask you to respect the system that was put in place to restrict access to the carpark: cars driving quickly through the site, or parking and maneuvering carelessly, puts our students and staff in danger. Only those with an access pass should be driving onto the site. Students should be encouraged to walk to the Old London Road car park to be picked up: this is a much safer and far less congested place to wait.

Children’s Mental health week 3-9 Feb
We have a number of assemblies and activities taking place during this week that fit in with the campaign’s focus of Know yourself, Grow yourself.
There will be a live performance by the up-and-coming boyband “Absnt Mind,” complemented by a thought-provoking discussion on Mental Health, Body Image, Cyber Bullying, and an engaging Q&A session for your students.
On Wednesday 5th Feb students in PE lessons, staff and any student that would like to be involved will be taking part in ‘Pedal for purpose’. Everyone active has kindly sent us three static bikes for us to take part in this challenge and keep the bikes going from 9.00 – 4.00pm to cover as many miles as possible. In doing this we hope to raise money for Herts Mind Network. If you are able to donate please follow the link
Hertfordshire’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services
Hertfordshire’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) system wants to understand what parents and carers need when they are faced with supporting their child or young person’s poor emotional wellbeing.
It can be difficult to understand why they might be experiencing low moods, anxiety or self-harming behaviours, how to cope as a family, or knowing the strategies that could help at home. In preparation for commissioning a new service, we want to make sure parents and carers feel supported, have professionals and peers to speak to and share experiences with, all while knowing they are far from alone.
The survey will be open until Sunday 26 January 2025

Parent Staff Association
Larch UV Discos
Based on previous feedback, we are offering two UV Discos for Larch children this year. Please refer to email for detailed information.
Friday 17th January, 4.30-5.30pm for Years 1, 2 and 3.
Friday 24th January, 4.30-5.30pm for Years 4, 5 and 6.
To book tickets for the Year 1, 2 and 3 UV Disco on Friday 17th January, please click here. Ticket sales will close on 12th January, or when tickets sell out – whichever comes first. Book early to avoid disappointment.
To book tickets for the Year 4, 5 and 6 UV Disco on Friday 24th January, please click here. Ticket sales will close on 19th January, or when tickets sell out – whichever comes first. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Rescheduled AGM – 4/2/25
Our Annual General Meeting was previously cancelled as we did not have enough attendees to meet quorum.
We have rescheduled the AGM for Tuesday 4th February, 7pm for a 7.15pm start. Please do attend if you can, we really need as much support as we can get. You are not committing to anything by attending, we simply need a good turn out in order to go ahead with the AGM.
After the AGM, we will continue with a committee meeting. At this point, you are welcome to stay or leave.
Please use this link to indicate if you can attend the AGM.
You can also use the same link to sign up to other events, such as Big Band bar support in March.
My Name Tags
There is a large volume of unnamed lost property in both phases of the school. Named items are easier to locate and return to their owner.
When you order name labels via My Name Tags with our school ID 37273, commission will be paid to the PSA and lost property will decrease!

Dates for your diary
A full calendar of events can be viewed on the school website.
- Fri 17th Jan: Larch UV party (Y1-3)
- Tues 21st Jan: Art trip (Tate and V&A)
- Wed 22nd Jan: Y11 student consultation evening
- Fri 24th Jan: Larch UV party (Y4-6)
- Tues 28th-Fri 31st Jan: GCSE Business studies trip (Y10 and Y11)
- Mon 3rd Feb: Y8 assessments start
- Wed 5th Feb: Sixth form experience day for Y11
- Wed 5th Feb: Y9 Preferences Evening
Wishing you a Happy New Year
Mrs Rachel Kirk and Mr Michael Moss (Co-headteachers)