Dear all.

Everyone in Team Music hopes you are well!

It has been a long time without live music in the Larch. I am so pleased that our young musicians will be coming back to school and that all our instrumental lessons will resume in school from Monday. It is superb to be having that face to face interaction once again, getting back into the routines we need so much! Our Year 2 musicians will again pick up their string instruments and rekindle their love of music!

Lessons are on the same days that they were in the Autumn Term. Mrs Pearson will continue to send reminders the night before, so please look out for them. Please do help ensure that the instrument is ready with the required music to take in on the correct day. Musicians should once again take the instruments to the Larch music room first thing in the morning. Do have the routine as well to take the instrument home! Practice once again will have to be scheduled for after school times at home and your support with this is so important – praise, reminders, the regular time to practice each day when home is a little quieter. It might only be 15 minutes that is needed every day, but it is vital!

Unfortunately our orchestra and choirs will not be able to rehearse this term as we cannot mix the smaller bubbles. We are though planning for what we hope is a start back next term, fingers crossed. With the 4 stages out of the pandemic, we are very hopeful that we will be able to have concerts later next term. Making live music together is such an important part of why we learn and do what we do.

During the latest lockdown, it has been wonderful to hear how those at home have been supporting the young musicians, being part of the lessons and chatting to the teachers. Thank you for your amazing support, helping the musicians through these times, ensuring they remain as motivated as they can. We are planning to celebrate what has been achieved by each musician as soon as we can through exams and live music. It is so exciting to believe that this will soon be possible again!

If you don’t have a music stand at home, do please see if you can get one to support excellent posture and practice habits. A link is here to one.

We have an amazing musical community at Simon Balle. You are very much part of that and as we return gradually to making all that music again together, we will once again be able to celebrate what our amazing musicians achieve day after day. Thank you for your part in that.

Do stay in touch.

Kind regards

Mark Taylor, Director of Music.