Students move into their final year of Key Stage 3 and upon entering Year 9 we ask the students to focus on two important factors: The first is to use their well established learning habits to focus on completing Key Stage 3’s broad and balanced curriculum with progression achieved in all subject areas. The other is the consideration of future plans and next steps with a focus on making informed choices for exam subject study and developing their skills in home study/independent learning, preparing them to become ‘GCSE ready’.
This year provides students with a great opportunity to develop key underpinning knowledge that will stand them in good stead for their upcoming GCSE courses, as well as fine-tuning already well developed learning skills. A small number of subjects will start covering GCSE content at some point during year 9, but the majority will be delivering a traditional Key Stage 3 course.
Running alongside their option choices students will focus more closely on future aspirations and career opportunities, exploring their passions and developing the skills to flourish beyond their school years. Students will receive much guidance from Heads of Department about the rich opportunities that each course can offer.
Preferences Process 2024/25
The course information for students starting their GCSEs in September 2025 can be found in the attached booklet.
Year 9 Preference Booklet 2024-2025
Students will be allocated a pathway which will determine the combination of subjects that they can select from. You will receive a letter informing you of the allocated pathway prior to the preferences evening on Wednesday 5th February (6-7pm).
The purpose of publishing the course information booklet is so that students can start to think about the subjects that they might be interested in studying. Most students will get to express a preference for one or two subjects beyond the allocated subjects on their pathway.
We believe in a continued broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum for every young person at key stage 4. This is important for academic enjoyment and a varied approach to studies in Years 10 and 11 as well as providing the best foundation for whichever subjects are studied into KS5 and beyond.
All students will study Maths, English and Science (some will be directed to study Triple Science). The majority will study MFL (either French or Spanish), and all students must choose either Geography or History (they can study both).
Week Commencing Monday 13th January 2025
Subject presentations for students
During this week, subject leaders will present detailed information about their courses to students, helping them understand the content and expectations of each subject.
Monday 27th January 2025
Pathway Letters Sent Home
You will receive a letter outlining your child’s allocated pathway, providing guidance ahead of the preferences evening.
Wednesday 5th February 2025
Year 9 Preferences Evening
We invite parents and students to meet with representatives from all departments. This is an excellent opportunity to ask questions and gather information before finalising preferences.
Monday 24th February 2025
Deadline for GCSE Preferences Submission
All completed preference forms must be submitted by this date.
Head of Year 9: Miss H Rhodes
9A : Mr J Dear and Mrs M Gough
9B : Mr B Major
9L : Miss M Booth & Mr J Baxter
9M : Miss H Gibson
9N : Miss A Tridgell
9R : Mrs A Salman
Year Group Overviews:
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term