English is at the centre of the curriculum, providing a gateway to all other learning. Knowing how to read, write and speak gives access to the lives which we live.
Reading is a way to discover the world: from the early attachment of language to images, to building words and knowledge through phonics. Reading increasingly challenging texts, students gain access to other minds and other times. Through reading fiction and non-fiction students will gain new vocabulary, to allow them to articulate their own ideas. We teach literary terminology and promote critical reading so students understand how writers’ methods create meaning. We read texts, across time and genre, to ensure that students understand that each text is a construct, embedded within its context, as well as its form and its genre. We encourage students to be discerning readers who develop independent tastes and who can make connections between texts. Our aim is to create life-long readers who view books as a source of inspiration, comfort and companionship.
From the outset, students learn the conventions of accurate writing, including pen-craft and letter formation. Students are taught to write purposefully and clearly to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Writing for functional real-world purposes helps them to prepare for the demands of adulthood. Students will appreciate the qualities of good writing and base their own on models of excellence. Students craft their writing for effect and impact, with opportunities for planning, drafting and reviewing.
In Speaking and Listening activities, students learn to express their ideas aloud and we encourage them to find their individual voices. They learn how to articulate a point of view and respond to others with sensitivity. We prepare students to be confident, skilled speakers in formal and informal situations. Equally importantly, we prepare them to be thoughtful, attentive and evaluative listeners.
Curriculum Maps
Learning to read; reading to learn
Teaching Staff
- Mrs J Townsend (Head of Department)
- Ms E Warburton (Second in Department)
- Mrs L Cooke
- Mr G Davies
- Miss J Green
- Mrs L Owen
- Mrs A Robins
- Miss M Booth
- Mr J Kerswill
- Ms H Clarke
- Mrs A Waight
- Mrs C Gilbert
- Mrs L Newland
- Mrs C Ingle
- Miss G Mizon
- Mr G Peters
- Miss J Emery (Primary subject champion)
- Miss C Evans (Primary subject champion)
- Ms S Stanton (Primary subject champion)